full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Mia Birdsong: The story we tell about poverty isn't true

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Desmond Tutu talks about the concept of utbnuu, in the context of South Africa's trtuh and Reconciliation process that they embarked on after apartheid. He says it means, "My humanity is caught up, is ilntcearxiby bound up, in yours; we belong to a bundle of life." A bundle of life. The Truth and rncoeliioaticn process started by elevating the voices of the unheard. If this country is going to live up to its promise of liberty and justice for all, then we need to elevate the voices of our unheard, of people like Jobana, siinta and Bertha, thesrea and Baakir. We must leverage their solutions and their ideas. We must listen to their true stories, their more beautifully complex sirteos.

Open Cloze

Desmond Tutu talks about the concept of ______, in the context of South Africa's _____ and Reconciliation process that they embarked on after apartheid. He says it means, "My humanity is caught up, is ____________ bound up, in yours; we belong to a bundle of life." A bundle of life. The Truth and ______________ process started by elevating the voices of the unheard. If this country is going to live up to its promise of liberty and justice for all, then we need to elevate the voices of our unheard, of people like Jobana, ______ and Bertha, _______ and Baakir. We must leverage their solutions and their ideas. We must listen to their true stories, their more beautifully complex _______.


  1. stories
  2. inextricably
  3. theresa
  4. reconciliation
  5. sintia
  6. truth
  7. ubuntu

Original Text

Desmond Tutu talks about the concept of ubuntu, in the context of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation process that they embarked on after apartheid. He says it means, "My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in yours; we belong to a bundle of life." A bundle of life. The Truth and Reconciliation process started by elevating the voices of the unheard. If this country is going to live up to its promise of liberty and justice for all, then we need to elevate the voices of our unheard, of people like Jobana, Sintia and Bertha, Theresa and Baakir. We must leverage their solutions and their ideas. We must listen to their true stories, their more beautifully complex stories.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
hard work 3
poor people 3
marginalized communities 2
extra money 2
beautifully complex 2
reconciliation process 2

Important Words

  1. apartheid
  2. baakir
  3. beautifully
  4. belong
  5. bertha
  6. bound
  7. bundle
  8. caught
  9. complex
  10. concept
  11. context
  12. country
  13. desmond
  14. elevate
  15. elevating
  16. embarked
  17. humanity
  18. ideas
  19. inextricably
  20. jobana
  21. justice
  22. leverage
  23. liberty
  24. life
  25. listen
  26. live
  27. means
  28. people
  29. process
  30. promise
  31. reconciliation
  32. sintia
  33. solutions
  34. south
  35. started
  36. stories
  37. talks
  38. theresa
  39. true
  40. truth
  41. tutu
  42. ubuntu
  43. unheard
  44. voices